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新垣睦美 | 歌三線、vocal、electronics、作詞作曲編曲。

大阪外国語大学(現 大阪大学)スワヒリ語学科卒。

沖縄伝統音楽を軸にコンテンポラリーなサウンドと民族音楽を革新的に融合、ディープなオキナワン グルーヴ&ソウルを核とした斬新な沖縄音楽を創造。ソウルフルで洗練されたユニークなサウンドは、海外の音楽評論家や音楽家からも高い評価を得る。


沖縄音楽の巨匠普久原朝喜、普久原京子の孫弟子。日本屈指のジャズボーカリスト与世山澄子にVOCALを師事。Salif Keitaの元ギタリストでコラの名手でもあるマリ出身のミュージシャンMamadou DoumbiaとDuo共演。

世界的権威のあるイギリスのworld music 雑誌 SONGLiNESにて音楽評論家John Potterにより紹介された。坂本龍一の番組RADIO SAKAMOTOのオーディションコーナーにオリジナ「Spinnin' Around?」がノミネート。同曲のビデオは、SXSW 2016 (アメリカ) のストリーミングにも選出。オリジナル曲「Too Much Love」が、舞台「The Drumming((公財)沖縄県文化振興会制作  演出:平田大一 音楽:宮沢和史)の挿入歌として採用。ワールドミュージックの世界最大級のエキスポであWOMEXにて配布の沖縄音楽CDに3曲採用。(Music from Okinwa website)  イギリスの音楽評論家Paul FisherのFar Side Radioで楽曲がオンエア。world musicサイトEthnocloud世界チャートにてソロ演奏ビデオ2位。 2016 New Narratives Film Festival(台湾)にてソロ演奏。Trans Asia Music Meeting2017( 沖縄)showcase ソロ演奏

ARAGAKI Mutsumi Okinawan classic vocal, vocal, sanshin, electronics, songwrite, arrange. Graduated Osaka University of Foreign Studies (Swahili).

She progressively integrates Okinawan traditional music with other roots music and contemporary music, and creates the innovative Okinawan music which wells up from the deep Okinawan Groove and Soul. Her soulful and sophisticated sound has been highly praised by musicians and music journalists from around the world.


She is a disciple of the second generation child of the great maestros of Okinawan music Fukuhara Chouki and Fukuhara Kyouko. She learned Jazz vocal under Yoseyama Sumiko, one of the greatest Jazz vocalists in Japan.  She performs as the duo with the Malian musician Mamadou Doumbia, the former guitarist of Salif Keita, he is also the Kora master. 

On SONGLiNES, a leading world music magazine from UK, she was introduced by the music journalist John Potter.(article link) Her original song "Spinnin' Around?" was nominated on the audition segment of RADIO SAKAMOTO, Sakamoto Ryuichi's radio program, and its performance video was also selected for streaming at SXSW2016(US). Her another original song “Too Much Love” was selected for the production "the Drumming”, Okinawa Prefecture Culture Promotion Association production, stage director Hirata Daiichi, music director Miyazawa Kazufumi. Her 3 tracks were selected for Okinawan music sample CD that was distributed at WOMEX, one of the biggest world music expos. (Music from Okinawa website)  Her tracks were played on the music journalist Paul Fisher's Far Side Radio (UK). Her solo video ranked 2nd on the world chart of the world music site Ethnocloud. She performed solo at 2016 New Narratives Film Festival (Taiwan) and at Trans Asia Music Meeting 2017 showcase (Okinawa).

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" DEEPLY  ROOTED " NIINUHAI Recordings  Okinawa, Japan   All Rights Reserved  ©2021

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